10 Tips for good health

As an adult, your health is a priority. We have compiled a list of handy tips that will help you to stay fit and healthy and to improve your general wellbeing.

Healthy eating and drinking

Healthy eating is important as the food you eat can have a huge impact on your health. A nutritious, balanced diet rich in fibre, fruits and vegetables is essential for maintaining a healthy gut, body and mind, especially in later life. Cut down on fat, sugar and salt to avoid diseases and avoid shortening your life expectancy.

Giving up smoking

Giving up smoking will have a positive effect on your health. You will breathe more easily; your circulation, skin, hair and teeth will improve; and your risk of serious disease will fall.

Get plenty of fresh air

Getting out in the fresh air is not only good for your physical health, but for your mental health too. Exposure to sunlight boosts your vitamin D levels, which is essential for your teeth and bones and also makes you feel happier.  Going outdoors as often as possible, for example to walk your dog, is also a great way of meeting people and improving your social life.

Keeping physically active

Activity and exercise doesn’t have to be anything strenuous. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise, it costs nothing and it will help to improve your health and general wellbeing and help with weight loss. Your fitness levels will improve and problems such as high blood pressure, depression and joint problems can be prevented. See the CMO guidance on being active.

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Be socially active

Social isolation is a common problem as it’s not unusual for family members to live in different areas, or even different countries, and not as many people know who their neighbours are nowadays. There are many ways to combat isolation and find friends, such as joining a class, walking group, lunch group or doing voluntary work.

Drink plenty of water

Healthy drinking is important to keep enough fluids to flush toxins from your body and keeps you hydrated. The recommended amount of fluid you should aim to drink every day is 6 to 8 glasses, but you should increase this amount in hot weather or when you are exercising.

Keeping your brain active

There are lots of easy ways to help to keep your brain alert as you get older. Certain foods can help to increase your brainpower, as well as simple activities such as doing a crossword or quiz, reading a book or having a lively debate! .

Have regular health checks

Visits to the Dentists and Opticians become more and more important as you get older. Your eyesight and dental health can sometimes be the first indicator of more serious health problems, such as diabetes, so it’s a good idea to get them checked as often as possible. There are also a number of cancer screening and sexual health checks available. Request a healthcheck; for more information visit the  NHS Healthcheck website

Visit your GP

Sometimes people are reluctant to visit the doctor and often hope that symptoms will just ‘go away’. It may be because they are worried about wasting their doctor’s time or because they are putting their aches and pains down to ‘old age’. Don’t hesitate to make an appointment if you are feeling unwell.

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Be positive

Having a positive attitude is the best way to put a spring in your step. Do something every day that you enjoy. Visit a friend, listen to music, read a book or simply take time to think happy thoughts!

Websites and organisations that may help

Healthworks to help motivate you to lose weight.

Newcastle Stop Smoking+ Service run a 12 week stop smoking service. They can help you access free or cheap nicotine products to help manage your cravings

Newcastle Treatment and Recovery (NTaR) Drug and Alcohol Service  to help with addictions, giving up drugs and alcohol.

Public Health England have produced a booklet called ‘Active at Home’ to support older people and those who are shielded to be active and healthy at home.

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